Sibling Rivalry At the Piano.

I teach many siblings at my studio and in my online programs, and I love that so many families are making musical education a priority in their household. (Plus, a little sibling rivalry can be motivating, right?)

Having a sibling in piano can be a wonderful thing. You have a duet partner, someone to ask questions to if you’re struggling, or perhaps even someone who motivates you to practice! But, it can also be tricky. Continue reading “Sibling Rivalry At the Piano.”

Musical Gifts Ideas.

I used to be the kind of organized person that purchased all my Christmas gifts by Halloween. That short-lived “Organized Mom” stint is no more, and now I’m grateful for the Amazon Prime Membership that allows me to order gifts as late as December 22nd and still have them arrive on time for Christmas.

As a piano teacher, it is probably no shock to you that I love to surround my kids with toys and space that encourage music making. Musical toys also boost cognitive skills, provide continuous learning opportunities and support gross and fine motor skills. Continue reading “Musical Gifts Ideas.”

4 Ways to Be A Positive Practice Partner.

Does practicing piano with your child ever feel like a slow and painful form of punishment?

Especially if you are a pianist yourself, it can be difficult to hear your child struggling through a piece without quickly “fixing” everything for her. It might also be tempting to stop every single time you hear a mistake. In a recent post, I detailed what, exactly, your role is in practicing alongside your child. It’s so important to understand how you can set up practice sessions successfully and how to structure that time together! Continue reading “4 Ways to Be A Positive Practice Partner.”

Affordable Piano Lessons: How To Make It Happen

I am a piano teacher. I am here to tell you that piano lessons expensive. You might have even scoffed when you saw the words “affordable piano lessons” in the title of this post.

There are many reasons for this and I’m certainly not here to quibble with any of them. Piano teachers are highly skilled and trained. We offer a valuable service that involves much “behind-the-scenes” work outside of the weekly lesson. Choosing music, ordering books, attending workshops, invoicing, putting together recitals — all of these things take a great deal of time.  Continue reading “Affordable Piano Lessons: How To Make It Happen”

Your Child Wants To Quit Piano Lessons: Here’s Why (And What to Do About it!)

So…your child has been in piano lessons for awhile, perhaps even years. You’ve invested thousands of dollars into lessons and music. Countless hours have been spent helping with practice and transporting him to and from piano lessons. Now he’s telling you he wants to quit piano lessons.

Say, what?! Continue reading “Your Child Wants To Quit Piano Lessons: Here’s Why (And What to Do About it!)”

7 Children’s Books About Music.

I love how children’s books make subjects accessible for kids. often giving them a visual connection to what they are learning. As a piano teacher and lover of music, I want my own children to have a deep appreciation for music as well. I intentionally seek out children’s books about music. Connecting them with musicians and musical experiences in books about music makes music relevant to them. I love that they can see how playing music is a skill that they can contribute to our culture. Continue reading “7 Children’s Books About Music.”

4 Secret Ways to Practice Piano…Without A Piano

My mom always tells the story of how she signed me up for piano lessons at such a young age because I was a perfectionist. If something didn’t come easily to me, I became frustrated and ridiculously upset. It was when she watched me try to jump rope for the first time and sob hysterically at the fact that I couldn’t do it that she realized I needed to learn that not everything comes instantly. Sometimes you have to work for it. Continue reading “4 Secret Ways to Practice Piano…Without A Piano”

What to Look For In A Piano Teacher.

I blog a lot about making a careful match between your child and his piano teacher. It’s because I SO strongly feel that being thoughtful in this match sets the foundation for a lifelong love of learning and allows your child to be successful at his instrument. Continue reading “What to Look For In A Piano Teacher.”

When Can My Child Start Piano Lessons?

As a piano teacher, the number one question I often received from parents who are interested in lessons is: When can my child start piano lessons?

I have known many fantastic colleagues who have set rules about when they will take a student. Some have policies in place where they only take students at age 7. Others will only take children who can read. One teacher told me only when the child can sit still for thirty minutes (good luck!).

I completely understand having these types of rules. But, I also think that if we set too many limits on when a child is the magical age, we limit the child’s ability to access an early love of music. Continue reading “When Can My Child Start Piano Lessons?”

Find A Good Piano Teacher For Your Child

It’s that time of year where my voicemail and inbox are filled with queries from parents looking for a piano teacher for their students. As a mom myself, I completely understand how important it is to make a careful match. Your child’s musical progression depends largely on what happens at home between lessons. However, so much of their overall love and desire to create music has a lot to do with their teacher. It’s so important to find a good piano teacher for your child. Continue reading “Find A Good Piano Teacher For Your Child”