March Members of the Month

marchmom (1)

Meet the Clemons family who moved to small town in Minnesota a few years ago. Ben and Karyn have three children Olive (7), Ramona (6), Julius (3). Olive is currently enrolled in the Busy Kids program.

What’s your musical background?

I (Karyn) played piano from 3rd grade – college. I also, took one year of organ, which I did not care for. I have had voice lessons and participated in choir in high school, college, and while our family was living in Milwaukee.

Anything fun or unique you’d like to share about your family?

Our two oldest children have lived in six different homes.


How do you structure piano lessons/practice for your family? Any tips to share?

We practice after dinner for as long as it seems like Olive is able to practice. My tip is to make sure you don’t push too hard. We don’t want frustrated kiddos.

How did you learn about Busy Moms/Kids Do Piano?

Carly is a friend of mine so I learned about it from her and by following the Busy Moms Facebook page.

Do you have any stories you’d like to share about your musical journey with piano lessons?

Everyone has a personal learning style. It is important to figure out what will motivate your or your child to practice. I was motivated by competition. My daughter is motivated by the monthly challenges and also by her sense of personal accomplishment.

What is your goal with having your child learn to play the piano?

To grow in love and appreciation for music, develop that part of their brains, and to have fun.




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