Allow me to introduce you to our February Member of the Month, Alejandra Carranza Redmond.
Alejandra is a newer member, only having been a part of Busy Kids Do Piano for a handful of months, and has two daughters in the program. Monica is 9 years old, and Rebecca is 6. Her other daughter Clara, 2, is the lucky audience for her two older sisters’ performances. The girls attend school at home, which has made it simple to incorporate Busy Kids Do Piano into their learning. They access the BKDP online resources daily, which is surely a way to see more rapid progress. Great job, Redmonds!
BKDP came into their lives after the shutdowns had caused Monica to have to stop taking in-person piano lessons. Here are a few of their answers to our interview questions.
What do you love most about the BKDP program?
“Miss Carly has created the perfect program for children to learn how to play their first song very fast. Ithas been wonderful to see their progress in just a couple months! As a mom who has always wanted to learn, being able to do so along with my daughters is what I love most. My daughters will tell you what they love most is Miss Carly, and I agree! And since we are lifetime members, having access to a plethora of other courses makes BKDP an outstanding program for homeschool families.”
Why piano, and what would you like to share about your family?
We love music and piano! My mother-in-law is a proficient pianist and has passed down this love. Besides, we are aware of the many benefits for children when they learn to play an instrument. All 5 of my sisters-in-law know how to play piano, but my husband never learned. Of course, now, he regrets it, so BKDP is used at home by our whole family.

Now let’s hear some input from the girls themselves. What is your favorite type of music to play?
Both girls said, “Songs from movies.”
We like those too, ladies!
What advice would you give other kids who might want to try BKDP?
Monica: You will learn so much with Miss Carly!
Rebecca: Remember to keep your posture and spider hands!
Monica’s current goals are to learn how to play “Fur Elise”, and one day, to learn to play the harp. Rebecca is really enjoying playing the song “How Far I’ll Go”, from Disney’s Moana, and one day aspires to play the violin as well.
This month’s interview was especially rewarding for me because it was a reminder that kids can and will learn new skills like piano quickly if they are consistently exposed and encouraged. There is no magic formula or trade secret, here. Just good old proof in the saying, “Practice makes better.”
Many thanks to the Redmond family for letting us hear from them this month. Keep up the practicing, girls. We believe in you!