Host Your Own Piano Recital: 5 Fun & Easy Ideas

Hello, piano enthusiasts! If I were your in-person piano teacher, we’d be getting ready for our annual Spring Recital this month. Since I’m your virtual piano teacher, I want to help you bring the recital magic to your home. Here are five easy and fun ideas to host your own recital, ensuring your student’s hard work gets the spotlight it deserves.

Why Host a PIANO Recital?

Regular performances are a fantastic motivator for students. They provide a goal to work toward and a chance for friends and family to celebrate their progress. Gather some fellow music students or siblings and invite a small audience. These ideas require minimal preparation and are sure to create a memorable experience. Continue reading “Host Your Own Piano Recital: 5 Fun & Easy Ideas”

Host A Spring Piano Recital

Have you ever performed at a recital, whether in school or for some private lessons you were taking? I have spent countless hours at recitals, both as a student, and as a piano teacher. Some kids are really nervous when it comes to performing. Others shine in the spotlight. I remember feeling my fingers tremble a few times as I picked out which notes to play while my friends, family, and teacher silently watched. I made mistakes. I played beautiful pieces from memory. And I’ve been the silent onlooker, watching kids perform at every level. Continue reading “Host A Spring Piano Recital”