4 Ways to Be A Positive Practice Partner.

Does practicing piano with your child ever feel like a slow and painful form of punishment?

Especially if you are a pianist yourself, it can be difficult to hear your child struggling through a piece without quickly “fixing” everything for her. It might also be tempting to stop every single time you hear a mistake. In a recent post, I detailed what, exactly, your role is in practicing alongside your child. It’s so important to understand how you can set up practice sessions successfully and how to structure that time together! Continue reading “4 Ways to Be A Positive Practice Partner.”

Your Role in Your Child’s Piano Practice.

Whether I’m meeting with a family new to piano lessons, I always stress with families that a RELATIONAL approach to piano is key to a student’s success. Parents who are involved in their child’s piano practice will see results and have a more pleasant experience. Continue reading “Your Role in Your Child’s Piano Practice.”